3/22/2015 Haiti Preparation Continues

As the time for the missions trip gets closer, it’s becoming more surreal. In just four weeks I will land at this airport.

haiti airport runway


Once we arrive at the airport,  we will be transported in one these of tap-taps.tap tap photos - Google Search

Today our team received more updates telling us how to prepare for our trip and suggestions for items to pack, including insect repellent with a high level of DEET. Chikungunya virus carried by daytime mosquitoes is now prevalent in Haiti. The windows have screens on, but some travelers still take their own netting for night time. As a first- time traveler, and most likely, an extra cautious one at that, I checked on Amazon to purchase my own netting.

My list of essentials to pack becomes more interesting as I add “one roll of toilet paper” and plenty of tissues “for my pocket along with our own Imodium!”

As I prepare to work in the clinic, I am reminded to take a headlamp and extra batteries since we will still be working after dark and will need to have our hands free. The Haitian people are, indeed, very needy, arriving early at the clinic and  coming throughout the day into the late hours.

I am requesting much prayer as our teams prepare. We want to all be in unison one with another and to be witnesses and a blessing to these Haitian people. We are also praying that our coordinator can locate a few of the nurses in the area, who could follow-up with our work after we leave.

Thank you for following me as I prepare to partake in this wonderful blessing.